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Pure Garbage

J K Rowling does pilates, yoga, jogs, has botox injections and has cut out saturated fats

JKR has no right to talk about the glorification of unhealthily underweight women in some sections of the media, because there's a fat boy in her books.

According to a British newspaper, I recently appeared at a Brazilian literary festival. And was I content to take home a nice bit of pottery or leatherwork as a souvenir?

J K Rowling is not a real person, but the name given to a group of anonymous writers

Rowling has had Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall to dinner at her house.

Rowling hates Harry Potter

Rowling is 'riled' by being seen as a children's author


Harry Potter based on JKR's cousin

Gilderoy Lockhart is based on JKR's first husband

Dr. Neil Murray 'gives up work'

All rights reserved JK Rowling.
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